
Crystals, Chakras, Energetic Body and Holistic Healing

Balancing our 7 chakras and enhancing our spiritual life energy.
In this article you will find therapeutic tools such as how to use crystal energy, how to balance our 7 chakras and empower our spiritual life energy through holistic means.

Last week I held a conference for graduates of my courses and workshops, where I taught how to use crystal energy to heal our life energy. We learned what our chakras are, where they are located in our bodies, and how each stone affects each chakra.

I thank the graduates of my 14 workshop cycles who came to this special and exciting day.

Ancient cultures were already aware of the energy found in the human body, energy that is now called electromagnetic.

Each of us has an energetic body along with the physical body. And just like the physical body, the energetic body has some kind of a digestive system.

The energetic digestive system brings various kinds of energies into our spiritual self, and this system consists of seven main chakras.

The concept of chakra is taken from Sanskrit

It is an ancient Indian language. The word means wheel or hole. It actually means openings, seven openings in our spiritual body through which different types of energies are digested, and enter our bodies.

The seven chakras are located along our spine

The lower chakra is located at the base of our spine in the tailbone area and is called the root chakra.

The color of the root chakra is red. It opens downward, that is, towards the ground, and it digests the physical energies that come from the earth, the soil, and the physical reality, into our energetic body.

The Five Chakras

The next five chakras open up for interpersonal interaction, opening back and forth, towards other humans.

These chakras are:

The Sacral chakra (orange) is located in the genital area.

The third chakra (yellow) is called the Solar Plexus chakra, it is located in the umbilical area. It digests energies related to interpersonal interactions, related to our ego, our self-confidence.

The fourth chakra is the Heart chakra (green), it is located in the center of the chest and is related to our ability to open up emotionally to other people.

The fifth chakra is the Throat chakra (blue). It is related to communication.

The sixth chakra is the Third Eye chakra (purple), it is located in the center of the forehead between the eyebrows. It is related to super natural communication, that is, the ability to absorb knowledge from other people through telepathy, seeing things that are unseen, and being able to predict the future. When it is closed, it means that this ability is inactive, or ineffective. When it is too open, it means that we can disconnect from reality because we get carried away by any feeling and intuition over which we have no control.

These are the five chakras associated with interaction between people.

The last one, the seventh chakra, is the Crown chakra. It is located above the head and faces upward, towards the spiritual dimension. It is responsible for absorbing spiritual energies. When it is closed, it means that we are not open to the spiritual dimension at all. And when it is too open, we are detached from reality because we are too spiritual.

The color of the chakra is white, transparent and golden.

The desired situation is for our chakras to be balanced, not too closed, so that we will not be able to absorb the life energy from the environment, and not too open, which causes detachment from reality and the creation of patterns of escape from reality and difficulties in adaptation.

There is a great way to balance the chakras by using crystals.

Crystals have been used by humans since the dawn of history.

Research is being conducted on crystals in many places around the world, as one of the studies discovered that a crystal preserves and accumulates knowledge.

The crystals transmit electrical frequencies (pulses) that integrate with electrical processes that take place in the human body, hence their contribution to physical, mental and spiritual healing processes.

The crystals are a great tool for relieving and healing blood pressure, healing wounds and fractures, and relieving pain and migraines. 

Gemology experts (the science of studying gemstones) believe that it is not clear whether the person chooses the stone or whether the stone chooses the person.

The best way to connect to a stone is through intuition and personal feeling.

The crystals and gemstones originate in the closest layer to the Earth and have an interesting internal structure. The inner balance in crystals is the same balance found in living beings. Today we know that at the point of transition from one state to another, a powerful energy accumulates and becomes the healing energy of the crystal.

The crystal absorbs from humans their energies of illness, and charges them with pure, healing energy.

The crystals that balance and purify the chakras are:

Crown Chakra – Transparent Quartz for refinement and energetic purification.

Third Eye Chakra – Amethyst / Agate (purple) to sharpen intuition and telepathy abilities.

Throat Chakra – Sodalite / Agate / Quartz (blue) for communication, sympathy, tolerance and flow.

The Heart Chakra – Aventurine / Agate (green) or Rose quartz (pink) for love, giving, receiving, experiencing success and self-fulfillment.

The Solar Plexus Chakra – Citrine / Aventurine (yellow) for creativity, empowerment and renewal of life energy.

The Sacral Chakra – Carnelian-Aventurine / Goldstone (orange) for joy, creativity, sexuality and fertility.

The Root Chakra – Garnet / Jasper (black / dark burgundy) for activity, grounding, and stability.

We concluded our meeting with an an activity that had us reading from the spectacular, therapeutic cards “The Paths of the Heart” which gave us an accurate and deeply moving message from the crystals.

Many thanks to my beloved man for the abundance of exquisite delicacies that warmed our hearts, stomachs and taste buds.

Many thanks to everyone who made this gathering so special.

Yours, with love,

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